Understanding Islam (7 LANGUAGES Norwegian, English,Espaol,Franais,Deutsch,Italiano,Russian and Arabic))31981
(too old to reply)
2006-02-22 06:58:34 UTC
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal
English (http://www.islam-guide.com/)
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam,
Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran). It is rich in information,
references, bibliography, and illustrations.
It has been reviewed and edited by many professors and well-educated
It is brief and simple to read, yet contains much scientific knowledge.
It contains the whole book, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam, and more.
Espaniole (http://www.islam-guide.com/es/)
Esta gua islmica es para los no musulmanes que desean entender el Islam,
a los Musulmanes, y el Sagrado Corn. Es rica en informacin, referencias,
bibliografa, e ilustraciones.
Ha sido revisada y editada por varios profesores y personas estudiadas.
Es breve y fcil de leer, conteniendo al mismo tiempo mucho conocimiento
Contiene el libro, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (Una
Breve Gua
Ilustrada para entender el Islam), en su totalidad y ms.
Franais (http://www.islam-guide.com/fr/)
Ce guide islamique a t conu pour les non-musulmans afin de les aider
mieux comprendre
l'islam, les musulmans et le Coran. Il contient de nombreuses
informations, rfrences et
illustrations, ainsi qu'une riche bibliographie. Il a t rvis et corrig
par plusieurs
professeurs et personnes hautement duques. Il est concis et facile lire,
tout en contenant beaucoup d'informations scientifiques.
Il contient le livre A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam (Petit guide illustr pour comprendre l'islam), et plus encore.
Deutsh (http://www.islam-guide.com/de/)
Dieser islamische Wegweiser ist fr Nichtmuslime gedacht, die gerne den
Muslime (Moslems) und den Heiligen Quran (Koran) verstehen mchten.
Er ist reich an Informationen, Referenzen, Bibliographien und
Er wurde von zahlreichen Professoren und gebildeten Menschen geprft und
Er ist kurz gefasst und einfach zu lesen, enthlt jedoch viele
wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse.
Er enthlt das gesamte Buch A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam (Ein kurzer illustrierter Wegweiser, um den Islam zu verstehen), und
Italiano (http://www.islam-guide.com/it/)
Questa guida islamica rivolta ai non-musulmani che desiderano comprendere
i musulmani e il sacro Corano. ricca di informazioni, di riferimenti,
di bibliografia e illustrazioni.
stata rivista e curata da molti professori e persone colte.
breve e semplice da leggere, sebbene contenga molto sapere scientifico.
Contiene tutto il libro, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam (Una breve guida illustrata per comprendere l'Islam), e altro
Norwegian (http://www.islam-guide.com/no/)
Denne islamske guiden er laget for ikke-muslimer som nsker lre mer om
muslimer og den hellige Koranen. Guiden er rik p informasjon, referanser,
bibliografi og illustrasjoner. Den har blitt gransket og redigert av mange
professorer og andre folk med hy utdanning. Den er kort og enkel lese,
men likevel inneholder den mye vitenskapelig kunnskap. Denne guiden
inneholder bl.a.
hele boken A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam
[En kort illustrert guide for forst islam].
2006-02-22 11:51:01 UTC
Where is the Quran does Muhammad say:

1) It is okay to kill innocent people by the thousands?
2) We are not allowed to live our lives freely under GOD?
3) That God doesn't talk to different groups of people at the same time
using different means?
4) That the Quran is the only source of GOD's word?
5) That Muhammad overrules Moses or Jesus?

Jesus said to love one another as thyself. This was the great commandment.

Does killing 4000 innocent people -most of whom never even heard of the
Quran- and were never given a chance to learn about it speak of Love?

English (http://www.islam-guide.com/)
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam,
Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran). It is rich in information,
references, bibliography, and illustrations.
It has been reviewed and edited by many professors and well-educated
It is brief and simple to read, yet contains much scientific knowledge.
It contains the whole book, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam, and more.
Espaniole (http://www.islam-guide.com/es/)
Esta gua islmica es para los no musulmanes que desean entender el Islam,
a los Musulmanes, y el Sagrado Corn. Es rica en informacin, referencias,
bibliografa, e ilustraciones.
Ha sido revisada y editada por varios profesores y personas estudiadas.
Es breve y fcil de leer, conteniendo al mismo tiempo mucho conocimiento
Contiene el libro, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (Una
Breve Gua
Ilustrada para entender el Islam), en su totalidad y ms.
Franais (http://www.islam-guide.com/fr/)
Ce guide islamique a t conu pour les non-musulmans afin de les aider
mieux comprendre
l'islam, les musulmans et le Coran. Il contient de nombreuses
informations, rfrences et
illustrations, ainsi qu'une riche bibliographie. Il a t rvis et corrig
par plusieurs
professeurs et personnes hautement duques. Il est concis et facile lire,
tout en contenant beaucoup d'informations scientifiques.
Il contient le livre A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam (Petit guide illustr pour comprendre l'islam), et plus encore.
Deutsh (http://www.islam-guide.com/de/)
Dieser islamische Wegweiser ist fr Nichtmuslime gedacht, die gerne den
Muslime (Moslems) und den Heiligen Quran (Koran) verstehen mchten.
Er ist reich an Informationen, Referenzen, Bibliographien und
Er wurde von zahlreichen Professoren und gebildeten Menschen geprft und
Er ist kurz gefasst und einfach zu lesen, enthlt jedoch viele
wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse.
Er enthlt das gesamte Buch A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam (Ein kurzer illustrierter Wegweiser, um den Islam zu verstehen), und
Italiano (http://www.islam-guide.com/it/)
Questa guida islamica rivolta ai non-musulmani che desiderano comprendere
i musulmani e il sacro Corano. ricca di informazioni, di riferimenti,
di bibliografia e illustrazioni.
stata rivista e curata da molti professori e persone colte.
breve e semplice da leggere, sebbene contenga molto sapere scientifico.
Contiene tutto il libro, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding
Islam (Una breve guida illustrata per comprendere l'Islam), e altro
Norwegian (http://www.islam-guide.com/no/)
Denne islamske guiden er laget for ikke-muslimer som nsker lre mer om
muslimer og den hellige Koranen. Guiden er rik p informasjon, referanser,
bibliografi og illustrasjoner. Den har blitt gransket og redigert av mange
professorer og andre folk med hy utdanning. Den er kort og enkel lese,
men likevel inneholder den mye vitenskapelig kunnskap. Denne guiden
inneholder bl.a.
hele boken A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam
[En kort illustrert guide for forst islam].
Ray or Bobbi Adams
2006-02-22 14:13:29 UTC
Youll find the Quran in the humor section in the library
I Love Edsels
2006-02-22 18:00:47 UTC
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:13:29 -0500, "Ray or Bobbi Adams"
Post by Ray or Bobbi Adams
Youll find the Quran in the humor section in the library
It's in the "Horror" section at mine.
2006-02-22 19:02:57 UTC
Post by tom
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal

blow up them marines
Dr. Peter Venkman
2006-03-23 17:30:35 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by tom
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal
blow up them marines
Geez, if I were to find you (which is, possible), I'd beat the living
shit out of you, then dump your filthy ass in pig shit until even Allah
wouldn't want you.
Old Ford
2006-03-24 14:49:43 UTC
agree, who cares what some dumb ass religion does. I dont want to
understand it at all, i think the ones that need to understand it is the
Post by Dr. Peter Venkman
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by tom
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal
blow up them marines
Geez, if I were to find you (which is, possible), I'd beat the living
shit out of you, then dump your filthy ass in pig shit until even Allah
wouldn't want you.
2006-03-25 15:53:41 UTC
Post by Dr. Peter Venkman
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by tom
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal
blow up them marines
Geez, if I were to find you (which is, possible), I'd beat the living
shit out of you, then dump your filthy ass in pig shit until even Allah
wouldn't want you.
first of all and foremost ANY one who take their religion that seriously
or feels that their religion demands that kind of sacrifice should be in
a looney bin.

Gotta get my underwear at K-mart... yeah K-mart
2006-03-25 16:31:06 UTC
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:53:41 GMT, fireater
Post by fireater
Post by Dr. Peter Venkman
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by tom
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal
blow up them marines
Geez, if I were to find you (which is, possible), I'd beat the living
shit out of you, then dump your filthy ass in pig shit until even Allah
wouldn't want you.
first of all and foremost ANY one who take their religion that seriously
or feels that their religion demands that kind of sacrifice should be in
a looney bin.
Gotta get my underwear at K-mart... yeah K-mart
Understanding Islam is easy and can be summed up in one word
2006-03-31 22:21:59 UTC
Post by a***@juno.com
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:53:41 GMT, fireater
Post by fireater
Post by Dr. Peter Venkman
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by tom
who gives a flying rats ass????? we come here to discuss ford trucks, not
some stupid silly politically based religious preaching's posted by a rectal
blow up them marines
Geez, if I were to find you (which is, possible), I'd beat the living
shit out of you, then dump your filthy ass in pig shit until even Allah
wouldn't want you.
first of all and foremost ANY one who take their religion that seriously
or feels that their religion demands that kind of sacrifice should be in
a looney bin.
Gotta get my underwear at K-mart... yeah K-mart
Understanding Islam is easy and can be summed up in one word
I can somewhat agree. However, IMHO the word would be intolerenance. Hate is
what follows.

Spam Hater
2006-02-24 06:52:39 UTC
English (http://www.islam-guide.com/)
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam,
Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran). It is rich in information,
references, bibliography, and illustrations.
It has been reviewed and edited by many professors and well-educated people.
It is brief and simple to read, yet contains much scientific knowledge.
It contains the whole book, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam,
and more.
How can anyone understand Islam,
Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for 'Understanding Islam (7 LANGUAGES Norwegian, English,Espaol,Franais,Deutsch,Italiano,Russian and Arabic))31981' (Questions and Answers)
Who were the vikings? Where did they come from?
started 2007-09-12 09:19:12 UTC