I had the same problem with my 93 model. Find where the parking brake
cable meets the lever that pulls the brake pad, remove the pin that
holds it on. Make sure that lever moves freely where it is joined with
the other part where it is riveted together at. If it is frozen, you
will have to soak it with oil and then put it in a vise to hold it
while you tap it with a hammer to free it up. After mine was free, I
put anti-seize on it to prevent it from happening again.
93 L )202,000)
90 LX (165,000)
93 L(wrecked, 73,000)
On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:26:23 -0400, "daddydane1958"
Post by daddydane1958how in the heck do u put the rear hub on over a new set of pads..do i beat
them on??