boycott the commercial dating sites of matt parker
(too old to reply)
2004-11-14 10:59:15 UTC
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker runs
dating sites since people are unlikely to admit joining such sites by
complaining matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias vonlindtherzog
com matt parker alias von lint herzog matt parker alias e
van ***@yahoo.com the scam site romanceaffiliates.com is owned
by the pervert matt parker from cottage grove oregon matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik von lindt ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias nad
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvon
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias geronimo ***@yahoo.com
frauds matt parker alias van ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
van_lindt_hout matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
sign up at the scam site eurobrides.com matt parker alias
antiscam.org is to lead users to the commercial sites of matt parker
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von
lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vanlint_herzog matt parker
alias erikvan ***@yahoo.com matt parker instigates hackers and
other criminals against clients and competitors matt parker alias
linthout matt parker alias van lint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com damages will
be claimed from matt parker to compensate financial loss matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von
***@yahoo.com anybody providing proof of the death of matt
will receive a huge reward matt parker alias
ann ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e vanlint
***@yahoo.com single men matt parker alias van lint herzog matt
parker alias p ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
ukrainian matt parker
romanceaffiliates.com matt parker alias van_lindtherzog matt parker
alias erikvan ***@yahoo.com single russian women matt parker alias
erik vonlindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
is a hacker and stalker that steals personal data from
hacked mailboxes matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ericvan ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric von lint
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
true personal data to eurobrides.com matt parker alias van_lindt matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker blackmails clients
by coercing them to delete complaints from newsgroups matt parker
alias vanlindthout matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias vanlindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker
alias vonlint_herzog matt parker alias
parker alias erikvon lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias a ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e van lunsen
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias cecil vern ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlunsen_herzog
matt parker
employees did not find a new job got into debts and was found in a
noose matt parker alias j ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e von ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e van ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
vanlunsen matt parker threatens the life of those that file complaints
von_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker is a filthy motherfucker that likes computer chess games matt
parker alias van_lintherzog matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvon ***@yahoo.com
free online dating service matt parker alias
alias e von lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias vanlint_hout matt parker alias e van
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
vanlindt_hout matt parker
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e van
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von ***@yahoo.com matt
parker will be busted sentenced jailed and fried matt parker alias
matt parker alias eric van ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com members of trueloves.com have access to
adult material depicting minors in sexual acts matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias evan ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com the date of birth of matt
parker is 13 sep 65 matt parker commits online impersonation and
harassment matt parker
tanja ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlunsen hout matt
parker alias s ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van lint ***@yahoo.com
free internet personals matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias
that matt parker spams the net with childporn
***@yahoo.com one of the dismissed university employees
committed suicide matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias e von ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
the dismissed employees filed an official complaint against matt
parker with the us embassy matt parker alias erik vanlindt
parker alias von_lunsen_hout matt parker alias erik van lint
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias evon lindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik
vonlunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlindt herzog this
2004-11-19 10:33:02 UTC
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
UNODC REPORT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The suspect Matt Parker from Cottage Grove OR USA
owns the domains in the IP range -
Server type: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.12
OpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.3 PHP/4.3.1 mod_perl/1.26
Ports: 21 22 25 53 80 110

Webmasters and search engine administrators are adviced to block this
range and to remove all links and listings of the sites in this IP

www.trueloves.com > Credit Card Fraud/Sexual exploitation of minors
www.skydesigns.com > Credit Card Fraud
www.eurobrides.com > Credit Card Fraud/Sexual exploitation of minors
www.romanceaffiliates.com > Credit Card Fraud/Sexual exploitation of
www.rainypasslodge.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected animals
www.alaskablackbearhunt.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected
www.alaskabrownbearhunt.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected
www.alaskablacktaildeerhunt.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected
www.date2000.net > Hidden storage of illegal adult material
www.antiscam.org > Defamatory statements and libel of uninvolved
www.europeanguide.net > Links site
www.call-russia.com > Credit Card Fraud
www.loves.ws > Links site
www.vivalove.com > Affiliate site

Matt Parker 1505 Ash Ave Cottage Grove 97424 OR USA
Matt Parker PO Box 1147 Cottage Grove 97424 OR USA
1 541-942-5087 <Disconnected>
1 541-942-6145 <Disconnected>

The aforementioned sites abuse credit card information and have
to track visitors. Most profiles of the personals were stolen from
sites that provide the same copyrighted material for free.
Registered members of these sites also have access to underage
featuring adult material depicting minors in explicit sexual acts.

The individual behind these sites trades underage girls from the
and Russia that are being lured to the USA with false promises of
marriage and the green card, and are eventually forced into


Sollicitation of minors:
Translation: http://www.online-translator.com/default.asp?lang=en

Material evidence:

The individual that operates these sites manipulates facts using
Email/IP spoofing
and forged server logs to make others seem guilty and is part of an
criminal network supported by corrupt politicians.
This suspect is an expert at manipulating people and the public

Anybody who is concerned about the safety of minors can file
complaints with:

Any useful information or additional evidence leading to the arrest of
this suspect or any endeavor to counter the criminal activities of
sites is much appreciated.

Do not reply to this message.
For more information please visit:
Support site:

Forwarding this report to your online acquaintances is a small effort
will definitely help to counter the criminal activities of these
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
UNODC REPORT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
dating sites since people are unlikely to admit joining such sites by
parker alias vonlindtherzog
com matt parker alias von lint herzog matt parker alias e
by the pervert matt parker from cottage grove oregon matt parker alias
com stay away from eurobrides.com or be hacked and scammed
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlindt
***@yahoo.com love matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik
vanlint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
do not
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
sign up at the scam site eurobrides.com matt parker alias
data that he steals from hacked mailboxes marriage matt parker alias
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
antiscam.org is to lead users to the commercial sites of matt parker
other criminals against clients and competitors matt parker alias
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias phrozen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias kimberley
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von lunsenhout matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
be claimed from matt parker to compensate financial loss matt parker
will receive a huge reward matt parker alias
ukrainian matt parker
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van lunsenhout matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e von
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias eric von lunsen ***@yahoo.com spam newsgroups with
this statement matt parker alias erikvan ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias tatjana ***@yahoo.com rebuild the cuntface of the
spamming scammer matt parker http://tinyurl.
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
romanceaffiliates.com matt parker alias van_lindtherzog matt parker
is a hacker and stalker that steals personal data from
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker makes a living by selling
underage female flesh to pornographers and whoremongers matt parker
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
true personal data to eurobrides.com matt parker alias van_lindt matt
by coercing them to delete complaints from newsgroups matt parker
matt parker
alias vonlint_herzog matt parker alias
matt parker
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
ericvon ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ericvan ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker was exposed as a liar at
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
employees did not find a new job got into debts and was found in a
parker matt parker is webmaster of trueloves.com and all
sites in ip range to 39 matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias evonlindt ***@yahoo.com international matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ericvanlint ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias vanlunsen herzog matt parker alias
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
vanlunsen matt parker threatens the life of those that file complaints
***@yahoo.com matt parker distributes illegal childporn on
the net for free phonesex 24-7 dial 9073494969
http://tinyurl.com/6cmk6 matt parker alias
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
parker is a filthy motherfucker that likes computer chess games matt
free online dating service matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias van lunsen hout matt parker alias
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
matt parker alias vanlint_hout matt parker alias e van
vanlindt_hout matt parker
parker will be busted sentenced jailed and fried matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias deep ***@yahoo.com change country of residence
if personal data is captured by matt parker matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias eric von lindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e von
lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric vonlindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van_lunsenherzog
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
adult material depicting minors in sexual acts matt parker alias
matt parker
parker is 13 sep 65 matt parker commits online impersonation and
harassment matt parker
parker alias
parker po box 1147 cottage grove oregon 97424 matt parker alias
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker stalks and
tracks down clients to scam and blackmail them matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias erik ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias
matt parker alias eric van lindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias linuxmail.org matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik
***@yahoo.com estonia matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com
this is hard evidence
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
that matt parker spams the net with childporn
people trafficking and will be prosecuted matt parker alias e
***@yahoo.com matt parker sells underage mail order
brides on the web matt parker alias ericvon ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ania ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ericvan lint
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
von_lint_herzog matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias e von ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias erikvonlunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker violates the internet privacy act by distributing stolen
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker owns dating sites
since their clients are unlikely to complain and admit their
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
the dismissed employees filed an official complaint against matt
parker with the us embassy matt parker alias erik vanlindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com do not believe any of the
lies matt parker posts in this forum matt parker alias
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
parker alias von_lunsen_hout matt parker alias erik van lint
Harvey R. Stone
2004-11-19 18:44:17 UTC
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
Post by http://tinyurl.com/ii35
women matt parker alias
You sick son of a bitch. You poor basterd that thinks you are doing
something. What has twisted the way you look at the world around so
badddddly? What makes what you do seem the right thing to do to fight back
against this pain you have?????
