new to site questions about milage
(too old to reply)
2005-04-10 14:54:08 UTC
Hi, just took a Fesiva on trade ,my first one ever, not really a ford
lover but will admit I like this litle car,It’s a 93 with the 1.3 &5sp
filled it up to the cap and drove it 107 miles and refilled it it took
2.1 gal’s,I was suprised to say the leastthats almost 51 MPG, Can not
belive this ,will try this again , Now the miles I put on where hwy
miles heck it 50 miles to anywhere from where I live in Az LOLNow this
car has 178k on it and runs great.had to change oil an valve cover
gasket(was leaking)and cleaned the throttle body, outside of that
haven’t done anything else to it yet, Do these cars get milage like
that ? My speeds were 45to 55most of the time,no stops, Also has any
one put 13"wheels on one of these ?Road noise is bad with little
12"tires. Thanks &have a good day Slimone
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Topic URL: http://www.autoforumz.com/Ford-Festiva-site-milage-ftopict111533.html
Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse: http://www.autoforumz.com/eform.php?p=523699
2005-04-12 01:32:41 UTC
Post by slimone
Hi, just took a Fesiva on trade ,my first one ever, not really a ford
lover but will admit I like this litle car,It’s a 93 with the 1.3 &5sp
filled it up to the cap and drove it 107 miles and refilled it it took
2.1 gal’s,I was suprised to say the leastthats almost 51 MPG, Can not
belive this ,will try this again , Now the miles I put on where hwy
miles heck it 50 miles to anywhere from where I live in Az LOLNow this
car has 178k on it and runs great.had to change oil an valve cover
gasket(was leaking)and cleaned the throttle body, outside of that
haven’t done anything else to it yet, Do these cars get milage like
that ? My speeds were 45to 55most of the time,no stops, Also has any
one put 13"wheels on one of these ?Road noise is bad with little
12"tires. Thanks &have a good day Slimone
Check the site http://www.fordfestiva.com/forum/index.php for lots
of Festiva information.
2005-04-13 17:09:19 UTC
this post is not archived.
Hi, Sorry about that ,don’ understand what you mean by archived,
thanks Slimone
Posted using the http://www.autoforumz.com interface, at author's request
Articles individually checked for conformance to usenet standards
Topic URL: http://www.autoforumz.com/Ford-Festiva-site-milage-ftopict111533.html
Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse: http://www.autoforumz.com/eform.php?p=525948
2005-04-22 00:52:49 UTC
Post by slimone
Hi, Sorry about that ,don’ understand what you mean by archived,
thanks Slimone
I have my news reader set to not allow my posts to be archived.
You are accessing a newsgroup via a forum. If you were reading
the messages directly from the newsgroup instead of through the
forum, you would be able to see my post. I have unlocked the
"no archive" option so you can read this. My original post to you
is below:
Check the site http://www.fordfestiva.com/forum/index.php for lots
of Festiva information.

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