Post by MarkPost by Sonny JimThe light bulbs in the dash of my '89 Festiva L are burned out. How do
I get to them to replace them? I have the no-frills version without a
tachometer, just a little light that says 'shift.'
The dash bulbs are attached to black plastic holders, that bayonet into back of
the instrument cluster. The screws that hold the cluster in place are found
underneath the top edge of the instruments screwing up into the dash.
If you have a tilt wheel (on the LX model) tilting it down makes it easier to
get the cluster out. Otherwise remove the screws from the ignition switch cover
and remove it for easier access to the cluster.
With the screws out you can pull the cluster toward you, and reach behind it
where the bulb holders are. You might be able to replace them at this point, but
I ended up unplugging the two locking connectors, and unscrewing the speedo
cable. The speedo cable is the most difficult part to reconnect. With the
cluster completely free it's easier to remove the bulbs, test them all with a
meter, and replace the duds all at once.
Since my LX was just totaled, I replaced the L instruments with LX, which all
worked OK, including the tach.
Web site:
Mark is correct in all the above.
One note to get the instrument cluster out and get to the bulbs, I beleive
it will be eaier to disconect the speedo cable inside the engine compartment
. Its held down with one 10 mm bolt. located almost under the Master
cylinder on top of the transmission, at least on a 4 or 5speed manual (not
sure ojn a Auto). Undo this bolt and the speedo cable comes out giving you
slack to pull the cluster much further out. enabling you to disconect the
speedo cable from the cluster with ease and replace the bulbs at you work
bench, or as in my case the kitchen table. This also makes putting
everything back in much easier. BTW - the transmission end of the speedo
cable assembly is also used to measure the fluid level of the manual
transmission,. you may want to check this while your in there.
More info and more expertise at:
we are 837 members listed but probably 300-400 solid members strong! Lots of
good info to keep your festiva going.
you must have extremely dexterious hands, as I couldn't release the speedo
cable from behind the cluster without releasing it from the transmission