(too old to reply)
21 years ago
Recently my windows froze up, and in trying to get them to roll down, I
stripped the crank. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix it? I
noticed it's a pretty tight fit in there once you get the panel off. that's
as far as I got.
21 years ago
Post by lkng4chubs
Recently my windows froze up, and in trying to get them to roll down, I
stripped the crank. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix it? I
noticed it's a pretty tight fit in there once you get the panel off. that's
as far as I got.
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 16:55:46 -0600
From: Gene & Arleen <***@winco.net>
Subject: Door Handles

Hi Ed,if you cant find a Festiva handle in the junk yard,You might try one
of a Mazda B series truck,the inner ones will work,not sure how wide the
ones are.Ford is supposed to have a heavy duty replacements for the
Festiva.Inner door handles off some years of the Mercury Tracers will
interchange with the Festiva also.Gene
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 02:49:28 -0000
From: "_supa_fly_" <***@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Broken Window

i just took all 4 side windows out (not the rear hatch glass, i took
the entire hatch off) to tint the windows. I thought it was going
to be hard to get the glass out myself but it turned out to be
simple... heres what i did: first you have to take the arm-rest, and
anything else that is screwed in to the door off. to get the crank
handle out you can use a little screwdriver to pry the metal c-clip
behind the handle off, and then the handle should just pop out.
Second you have to either use an uphostery tool to pry the panel
off, or you can do what i did, which is pull at it hard enough to
get it to pop out. Once that is off you can pull off that plastic
sheet, and then roll the window (the remains of the window, i mean)
until you see two small hex-head screws with a philips slot inside
of it... take those two screw out and save the plastic peices that
they were attached to. Once you get your new glass, just slide it
in on an angle, smaller side first, into the slot in the door, and
into the slides in the side of the door. push the windows down far
enough so that you can pop in the two plastic peaices and then screw
it to the crank mechanism... then put ewverything back together

Also sign up at yahoogroups.com, there are several Festiva discussion
groups with experts on every aspect of Festiva care and feeding.


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