Gas prices not going down!
(too old to reply)
2003-06-27 20:29:26 UTC
usaully not untill after the 4th of july
I've noticed it peaks between memorial day & the 4th of july
from a combination of switching to the "summer formula" and
the big jump in summer travelling
Why aren't fuel prices dropping like expected? There is a web site that
shows a graph of fuel prices since 1995. I thought after the war we would
see a decrease, but regular gas is up 10 cents a gallon from the same time
last year. See it at www.storydata.com
Jeff Utz
2003-06-28 00:17:08 UTC
Gas prices are higher than ever. In addition to the money you give at the
pump, don't forget all the money you give in taxes for the soldiers we send
to the middle east.

Why aren't fuel prices dropping like expected? There is a web site that
shows a graph of fuel prices since 1995. I thought after the war we would
see a decrease, but regular gas is up 10 cents a gallon from the same time
last year. See it at www.storydata.com
Tom F.
2003-06-28 15:53:39 UTC
<SNIP>> Minimum wage is $515/hr

Where do YOU live? I want some of that!! At that wage, I figure I can work a
year or so and retire!!

Tom F.

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